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The hermes evolve component (hermes.evolve.mef) is a means to support model evolution in model libraries. It enables changes to models in model libraries in a way that is assesed regarding quality criteria and guided by quality gates. This should help modelers to continuouly improve models in model libraries so the model library preserves a high standard.


Model evolution in model libraries needs tracing functionality regarding what changes are applied to a model. Moreover, these changes need to be assessed with respect to the impact on the quality of that model (and related models). Altogether model evolution should leed to easy assessment of a level of reusability of a model.


The requirements led to an infrastructure that should enable the following contepts:

  • Edit Trace Approach
  • Quality Model for Model Reuse
  • Quality Gates
  • Proacitve Quality Assessment


The prototype realizes the concept induced requirements and offers:

  • Model Evolution Quality and Gates
  • Model Evolution Simple Reviews
  • Model Evolution SCM
  • Harvest Demo

    This video shows the basic functionality how models can be stored into a model library. The process takes "known" parts into account and links them to the newly stored.

  • Evolution Demo

    This video shows how the evolution approach assesses model quality and offers a staged approach that guides model quality.

  • Reuse Demo

    This video shows how models can be "applied", i.e., reused. They are loaded from a model library and inserted into the open editor. Several libraries and several editors are supported.